Healing Services.
A variety of modern and traditional Medicine and Counselling Wholeness and Spiritual Support Practices are offered.
Traditional counselling provides safe, confidential space which allows an individual seeking answers to discover the Journey.
Simple or deeply complex, it is within. Creative exploration in ‘relationship’ to self and an integrated approach is used that reflects an individual’s relational and personal connections and conceptions in process.
Spiritual medicine counselling is also offered, and the modalities include those taken from Eastern and Traditional systems and Western techniques.
Please call to fully discuss your private and confidential needs.
Vanessa is a counsellor in Holistic, Traditional and Spiritual Medicine Paths.
Vanessa Brownbridge Fees
Please call for your CONFIDENTIAL details.
These are individually designed sessions to suit you.
1 hour and 15 mins approx. $150
During Covid and Quarantine situations
Telephone Counselling Available (if unable to meet)
Please ask.
Transpersonal. Spiritual. Transformational.
Pricing in July 2024 will increase slightly.